Out Of The Shadows #14 (1.0)
Title: Out Of The Shadows
Issue: #14
Publisher: Pines
Year: 1954
Grade: FR 1.0
A werewolf is on the rampage in the English countryside. A brave young constable suspects the ominous Sir Langley, but things turn out different.; Irishman Brannock committed murder out of jealousy and had to flee the country. The victim's curse haunts his line for centuries. The last male descendant, Lawrence, meets his fate on a skiing slope.; Mysterious "cat dancer" Gata (sic!) falls in love with the night club owner. And if she can't have him, no one shall.; A junk-man collects the heads of his victims in a trunk.; Alice has murdered her husband, but can't find where he hid the money. Conjuring his ghost she hopes to learn about the hiding place.; A woman in Florence is buried seemingly dead, but can free herself from the crypt and return to her lover.; Account of a mysterious ghost ship.; Weird facts.